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Internal memory in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2021-11-08Updated:2021-11-08
Similar words: external memoryinternal medicinevirtual memoryinternational marketinternational marketinginternational money marketinternational monetary fundinternational monetary system
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1, Memory organization relates to internal memory capacity and structure.
2, It has 64 MB of internal memory, too.
3, Perform as many operations as possible in internal memory.
4, Internal memory is al so called primary or main memory because it is the storage element that is accessed by the control unit for the programs and data elements currently active in the system.
5, They are also sometimes called internal memory and external memory respectively.
6, ThereAre two kinds of memory: the internal memory and the external Memory.
7, The user's template may reside in internal memory (capable of holding over 27,000 users),( memory.html) or on other media such as a hard disk or smart card chip.
8, Data transfer between internal memory and external memory are bottlenecks in improving DSP performance.
9, As for the difficulty of unsufficient internal memory capacity, it can be overcome by means of the dynamic memory allocation technique.
10, Internal memory is smaller segment of memory used to temporary storage of programs, data and information.
11, Support recording to internal memory or directly to memory card.
12, Four or two shows left external memory or internal memory address,[] the right two display memory contents.
13, This is Commodore's second-generation Amiga with a faster processor, twice as much internal memory and improved colour and sound capabilities.
14, Click Open to copy the file from your computer to the internal memory on the camera.
15, A computer system could not operate without main memory, also called internal memory, primary memory, primary storage, random access memory (RAM), or simply memory.
16, When it is complete, the camera will delete the firmware file from internal memory.
17, Logged data and site conditions can be storaged into internal memory.
18, In the mainframe, memory that directly transit information with CPU is referred to as internal memory or primary storage.
19, Electronic Torque Tester. Controlling of min- and maximum torque values with LED and LCD-display. Internal memory for 2000 values, interface for PC or serial printer.
20, Refers to a design of memory multiplexing in which jobs are kept on a backing storage and are periodically transferred entirely to an internal memory to be executed for a fixed time slice.
21, PICARD: Data , don't you have device drivers stored in your internal memory?
22, The memory on the mainboard is just dynamic random access memory. And static random access memory is the buffer memory between CPU and internal memory.
23, It is to say that each operating data stored in internal memory has its only exact address(physical address), composed of two parts:segment address and effective address.
More similar words: external memoryinternal medicinevirtual memoryinternational marketinternational marketinginternational money marketinternational monetary fundinternational monetary systeminternational system of unitsinternalinternalsinternallyinternalizeinternalityinternal earinternaliseinternal diameterinternal gearinternal organinternationalinternal tradeinternational watersinternationaleinternationallyinternal auditorinternal revenueinternal controlinternational lawinternal storageinternalization
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